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Why choose ProDerma
Our specialists have a high level of expertise in a number of cosmetic corrections. Most wrinkle treatments require a doctor’s assessment, where the best alternatives and medical treatments that suit the individual skin types are carefully considered. With us, you can be confident in our treatments and that drug handling before treatment is in accordance with regulations from the Norwegian Medicines Agency.
About ProDerma Scandinavia

ProDerma - Dr. Wayne
At ProDerma Scandinavia, we offer a range of aesthetic medical treatments. Our consultations before treatment are based on solid knowledge, good experience and a holistic approach to the desired result. Dr. Wayne‘s certification, expertise and experience are your quality assurance.
Age limit for our treatments:
The age limit for all injection treatments is 23.
The general age limit for acne / skin problems is 15.
Medical Botox procedures have no age limit.
Popular treatments
We perform both traditional treatments like wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation, as well as new treatments such as fat-dissolving injections and liquid nose jobs. If you need extensive corrections, we offer full makeover packages.
Feedback from our customers
I chose Dr. Wayne for my filler corrections and was very pleased with the result. I contacted him in advance and sent him a description of what I wanted done along with some photos and he replied very quickly with a treatment strategy and a price. Definitely recommended!
Bente Henriksen
After almost 20 years of tension headaches and migraines, I spoke to Dr. Wayne about the problem. He told me that Botox injections could help me. Got an appointment quickly, and I noticed a big difference already after a week. After two weeks, the headaches were gone. Have now had a whole month without headaches, and I feel I have been given a new life. Incredibly grateful.